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Projects - Richard-Wagner-Museum

Library of Villa Wahnfried

Support during library’s temporary relocation, collection maintenance
In the course of the clearing the Wahnfried library for its temporary relocation due to building renovation, all damaged volumes were marked and packed separately. After completion of the renovation works, the library’s inventory was returned to its usual settings, thus making the damaged volumes accessible again. A holistic conservation concept, developed specifically for the conservation needs of the damaged originals, was then implemented. All damaged volumes were conserved in a reversible manner, without loss of original material and in regard to the preservation of their authenticity. The stabilized volumes fit in well optically within the complete library inventory and are usable without major restrictions. 
Library Collection Haus Wahnfried


Library Collection Haus Wahnfried

©Jan Scheutzow


Institution: National Archives of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung, Bayreuth, Germany

Duration: 2011, Bayreuth 2015/2019, Munich 


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